For all fans of aviation, the Cockpit is a very special place. Flightsimulator fans have set up their flightsimulator at home and enjoy flying and the cockpit feeling in the living room. Everybody has his preferences, one likes the reality, others enjoy fighters and wild manovering.
In the last years, more and more “professional” cockpits are available from different providers which offer flights and lessons to the public. As one arrived in Bruchsal, I had to explore it in detail.
Warning: If there is a Simulator at home, caution is advised, because the Augusta A109 helicopter and the A320 Airbus are so real, that it is possible that you misslike your own simulator after flying the big ones. Bruchsal houses an Augusta A109 Helicopter the Airbus A320-212 cockpit and a P51 and a ME 109.
As you enter the facility, there is it, a real helicopter with all doors and the original cockpit. You should plan some extra time and it is advised to have an appointment
in advance.
For me, flying this machines is a highlight in my flight simulator experience. But I decided, my home simulator is to be liked and I use it now more intensivly for training.
The personal, friendly, professional, not in teaching mode and tolerating any mistake make it a great experience to train your skills.
The link: